Tuesday, June 23, 2009


After what feels like weeks of rain (and is, indeed, intermittent weeks of rain), I finally got a chance to weed today. For a whole 30 minutes before it started to rain. Again. So not much to report, except that the new beans are coming up and as soon as the leaves come out they are being eaten. I think the milky spore that we used in the fall will not soon control all of the beetles we have. It is a major problem. They are not only the Japanese beetles, either, but I think Asian beetles (that look like coffee beans). I've read that these are not susceptible to the milky spore, so I'll have to do something different if I want to eat a single green bean this summer.

Planted a few more marigolds around to help with pests, and added more zinnias to the garden. We need the sun! Please!

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