Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

For weeks, it has done nothing but rain. Just about the only thing that seems to like this is the greens...lettuces are doing well, though the spinach has bolted and I've had to pull some of the mesclun because it, too, had gone to seed. The Swiss chard is also doing pretty well, though I'm hoping with a little sun it may get bigger. Too small to pick at the moment.

This is the sad state of the garden. Finally weeded today, even though it was still drizzly. Beans are tiny, flowers aren't doing much (except for the marigolds and calendula, which are fine but tiny). When I hear about folks in Virginia picking tomatoes and zucchini in their gardens, I could cry. It will be at least a month before there is anything besides greens to eat.

And the raspberries...well, I know I started picking them around July 14th last year. A lot will have to happen in this next two weeks for a bumper crop of raspberries. There are berries, but I am a little afraid that they will rot instead of ripening. Hoping for weeks of sunshine to come. This is getting old and moldy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


After what feels like weeks of rain (and is, indeed, intermittent weeks of rain), I finally got a chance to weed today. For a whole 30 minutes before it started to rain. Again. So not much to report, except that the new beans are coming up and as soon as the leaves come out they are being eaten. I think the milky spore that we used in the fall will not soon control all of the beetles we have. It is a major problem. They are not only the Japanese beetles, either, but I think Asian beetles (that look like coffee beans). I've read that these are not susceptible to the milky spore, so I'll have to do something different if I want to eat a single green bean this summer.

Planted a few more marigolds around to help with pests, and added more zinnias to the garden. We need the sun! Please!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Iris in the Tulip Bed

Oh, this is so exciting! I have been moving plants around this spring, and I love to see things take hold and be happy!

The irises just LOVE the tulip bed. It's one of the only flowerbeds that has full sun, and they are thriving. I think I may move the rest of them down there, too.

I also moved the rose campion, and the phlox, which has had major powder mildew in previous years. I hoped that moving it away from the house would help control the mildew, but it's already getting a few spots at the bottom, so probably time for the fungicide! What joy!

Also noticed the phlox is doing well next to the peony, and the liatris that I planted several years ago has finally reappeared. Don't you love when plants do that? I didn't think they had survived. The lupine also made it through the winter in that garden. And the daylilies are getting monstrous. Probably that means it's time for another flowerbed!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tomatoes in!

Can we believe I've finally planted my tomatoes? This is crazy. I don't think I've ever planted them this late. It's been so cold and wet, I couldn't think of putting them in. Seems like I'll have to start spraying BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) right away to keep the hornworms off. I know I had problems in late July and August last year, and by the time you notice them, it's too late. At least now I even know what the eggs look like.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Swab the Deck

This was the deck day. Finally got out the furniture and planters and tried to clean everything up. I don't think I'll have anywhere near as many flowers as I've had in previous years, but there are lots of nasturtiums! I'll have to go back to the garden store to pick up more plants to pot. I did the planter down by the mailbox, and others by the doors and on the railing. The deck is my favorite place to sit in the summer. I'll get it just right one of these years.